Upon the arrival of your skylight, the window well opening will be at least 1” bigger than the width and length of your skylight.
Things to be aware of before installing the skylight:
- Make sure the skylight hinge is correctly positioned in the roof.
- Check that the air system connection in the house is lined up with the connection side that was prepared in the skylight.

- step 1: hoisting the skylight
During crane operation, no one should be standing beneath the skylight. The roofer must ensure that the 2 × 4’s made for lifting are not damaged as well as securely attached to the skylight. Slowly drop
the skylight into the window well being sure the connection is lined up. The crane will then lower its boom to create slack. Once this is done, the sling is removed by either inserting a hammer or crowbar under the 2×4’s creating a small lift to remove the sling. The crane is then withdrawn, and the skylight is technically installed.
- step 2: removing the 2 x 4'S
Congratulations! Your skylight has been placed in the window well and is currently resting on the 2 × 4’s.
At this point, the roofer will prepare a jack on the floor inside the house. The carjack should not be sitting directly on the floor, we recommend placing a piece of wood or foam beneath it, as it may damage the floor.
Using the jack and a piece of extended wood, either a 2 × 4 or a 2 × 6, the roofer will push the skylight up an inch or so and hold it in place. Roofers on the roof should unscrew both 2×4’s on one side simultaneously and remove the 2×4’s. The carjack should slowly be released, lowering that side of the unit down to a full drop in. Repeat the same process on the other side of the unit completing the full drop in of the unit.
1 UNIT: 1 Unit should be centered in the center of the window well
2 UNITS: When placing two units, both should be pushed towards each other in the window well until they meet at the center
3 UNITS: When working with three units, the right should be pushed all the way to the right side. The left should be pushed all the way to the left. The center should be centered in the window well. Make sure all the center beams have 3LVL 5-¼ Microlams in between. For three units, it is important to manually open the center unit to ensure the unit behind does not interfere with the center unit.
4 UNITS: Four units are generally 2 lefts and 2 rights. The 2 center units should be pushed towards the center. The left outer unit should be pushed all the way to the left and the right outer unit should be pushed all the way to the right. The 2 center units should be manually opened to ensure it does not interfere with the opening of the outer units.


Since the rough opening is 1” bigger than the unit size you will have a space around the unit.
The unit is delivered with predrilled long screws to fasten the unit to the structure of the house. Use proper shims to insert in the space between the window well and the unit. Insert them between the unit and the opening of the rough opening.
The predrilled screws and the shims should be screwed in all the way, a little bit deeper than the wood. This should be filled with wood filler to conceal it later on. It is recommended to fill in the remainder of the opening between the unit and the LVL’s with bottle spray foam.
Now, it is time to remove the wooden shipping ‘X’ as it is only there for shipping purposes to keep the unit square. Now the units are set and ready to be permanently waterproofed. Once the waterproofing is completed the units are now ready to be hooked up to the operating system. (Call to schedule the connection)